Study, Study, Study[]
- PatrickJMT - Calculus
- Crash Course - Variety of subjects from World History to Chemistry
- - Organized list of STEM problems solved by various youtubers
New Research[]
- Boston Dynamics - Robots like ATLAS, BigDog, PETMAN
- DARPA - Government funded research like the Robotics Challenge and Luke's Arm Prosthetic
- Disney Research Hub - Research for movies and the parks
- SpaceX - Commercial rockets
- Google Tech Talks
- TED Talks
- Ignobel Prizes - Improbable research presented by Nobel laureates
- Animal Wonders - Animals
- CGP Grey - Random, Lots of political science
- Engineer Guy - Product Design
- Extra Credits - Game Design
- Mental Floss - Random
- Minute Earth - Earth Science and Biology
- Minute Physics - Physics
- PBS Digital Studios - Random learning
- PBS Infinite Series - Mathematics
- PBS Space Time - Astrophysics
- Piled Higher and Deeper - Grad Students talking about their research
- SciShow - Science news
- SciShow Space - Space news
- Sixty Symbols - Physics professors talking about what they find interesting
- Smarter Every Day - Random, lots of film, either in remote places or high-speed shots
- TED-Ed - Random explanations
- The Brain Scoop - Explanation of preparation of Field Museum samples
- Veritasium - Un-Intuitive physics
- ViHart - Recreational Mathematics
- ZeFrank - Recently comedic videos on interesting animals
- Hardcore History - A history fan's view of history